Safeguarding sport in the UK

All clubs have a responsibility to safeguard and listen to their members.

The challenge

Other than face to face there is currently no platform in place for members to report any questions or concerns directly to their club, or team.

"63% of members do not know who their Club Welfare Officer is"

Worries of young people in sport
  • 54% Injuries
  • 39% Bullying
  • 33% Pressure
  • 28% Mistakes
  • 27% Abuse
  • 25% Racism
  • 20% Sexism and gender issues
  • 19% Verbal abuse
  • 17% Losing
  • 12% Not being good enough
What will stop a young person reporting?
  • Are they too scared?
  • Do they know who to talk to or how to report concerns?
  • Are they afraid of the consequences?
  • Are they being threatened/blackmailed?
  • Do they think it's not important?

Interested in finding out more about how tootoot sport can help your club? Request a call and our support team will be in touch as soon as possible. If you can't wait to get started, sign up today.